SS Windalore is a 16.1h stunning true black Hanoverian stallion, by Windfall (Weltmeyer), out of Laura (Longchamp). His famous dressage pedigree includes Furioso II, Weltmeyer, Longchamp, World Cup, Matcho and more. His sire Windfall was selected by the prestigious RCMP breeding program as the only outside sire in their breeding program. Windalore has three impressive, uphill gaits, a fabulous pedigree, is conformationally correct, with lots of bone and substance, excellent feet, lovely shoulder and neck, great hind quarters and a very kind eye. His temperament can't be beaten. He is the absolute sweetest stallion. He is siring nearly all black foals, that are inheriting his conformation, movement and in your pocket type temperaments. Mare owners love their Windalore foals!
Approved with; Westfalen NA
2019 Fee - $1000.00 CDN, LFG
AI - Fresh cooled semen available throughout North America